Velania Dwi's Blog: Student's Promotion Contest of Mojokerto Tourism Objects
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Selasa, 22 November 2011


Student's Promotion Contest of Mojokerto Tourism Objects

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Good morning all of the juries and the audiences that I respected.
First of all, I wanna thanks to God for the almighty of all and our life, so rightnow we can meet together in this beautiful sunny day.

Ladies and gentlement..
I say thanks for all the time that you gave to me to standing up here. So now, I’m standing up here to promote about beauty of Mojokerto town.

Ladies and gentlement..
As we know that Mojokerto actually has very potential and attractive tourism object. Like natural tourism object, archaelogical tourism object and education tourism object.
For the example of natural tourism object is Coban Canggu waterfall. Coban Canggu waterfall is located at Padusan village sub district of Pacet, it is about 25 km to the south of Mojokerto town and it is about 5 km to the south of Ubalan which one of the famous swimming pool in Mojokerto. The waterfall of Coban Canggu is the waterfall with height for about 15 m, surrounded by trees with fresh mountain weather. Many stones make natural look of this object. It is natural scenery, it is fresh and cool air and it is quite condition will give special impression to the visitors who come to this place.
And then the example of archaelogical tourism object is Trowulan museum, around there we can also find out many tourism object like Segaran pool, Bajangratu temple, Tikus temple, Brahu temple, Waringinlawang temple, Gentong temple and other which from Majapahit kingdom. I’m sure all of us here souldn’t be strange of it is name, right?? Because we know that long long time ago Majapahit kingdom was a famous kingdom in Asean.
Next, the example of education tourism object is PPLH Seloliman, or in bahasa was named ‘’Pusat Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup’’. PPLH Seloliman is used for the environment education center. The location is at Seloliman village sub district of Trawas, it is about 50 km to the south of Mojokerto town, it is about 5 km from capital town of Trawas trough the way to Ngoro Indutrial Park which famous Industrial tourism object in Mojokerto. The situation is really fresh and healthy. This place is often used as a meeting place for local and foreign student in studying the environment. Sometimes, it is functioned as the place to study tour and meeting place with comfortable and cool situation.

Ladies and gentlement..
As far as I promote about beauty of Mojokerto , did you know if Mojokerto not only best in tourism object but also best in specific food?? Yess, i think all of us here know about that.
Mojokerto has many specific food like grasshopper crispy and jangan osek from Dawarblandong and then Krecek Rambak from Bangsal, and other.
For souvenir center, Mojokerto also has Center of Trowulan Footwear Grocery or in bahasa was named PPST ‘’Pusat Perkulakan Sepatu Trowulan’’. PPST or Center of Trowulan Footwear Grocery is located at Watesumpak village sub district Trowulan, it is about 12 km from to the south of Mojokerto town and it is about 2 km from capital town of Trowulan, in the down of Mojokerto- Jombang highway. In this location we can find many stores that sell footwear. PPST or Center of Trowulan Footwear Grocery is able to be alternative of shopping tourism objecvt resort in Mojokerto regency that known as a center of footwear production.

Ladies and gentlement..
That’s all fro me for today to promote the beauty of Mojokerto, for the last  I say that I invite all of you to visit our beauty town and don’t forget always keep our environment be better. That’all, if there is a mistake I apologize, thank for your attention. Good morning and
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

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